Context: December 2017
On the first day of December World AIDS Day is celebrated, but on this day it is also the draw for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, a massive event highly anticipated by everyone, especially by Argentines. Which topic will have more media impact?

So, why don't we do something in real time that allows us to join the conversation? In every draw, there is a figure called the Group of Death, which puts together the strongest teams, and from which every team wants to run away. But for Fundación Huésped (nonprofit aids organization) the "group of death" is a whole different thing, and is formed by the four determining factors for HIV infection.

One: Unprotected sex between people of the same or different sex. Two: By the contact with blood when sharing needles or syringes. Three: Unprotected oral sex. Four: From mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

The idea. When the draw ends and all the groups are defined, especially the Group of Death, we share the tweet above.
Since we were re-twitted by different personalities, journalists and soccer players, we managed to talk about AIDS on the day everyone was going to be talking about the World Cup.
Tweet: The real #GroupOfDeath is this one, and there's only one way to win it. Get tested. #WorldAIDSDay
Image: Group of Death. Fucking without condom. Sharing needles. Blowjobs with no protection. Childbirth and breastfeeding with no medical attention.